Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Finally.. Before and After

Here are my before and after photos for those who haven't seen them yet. I remember opening the before photos last night for the first time in months and comparing them to the photos I took last night. I couldn't believe my eyes. I honestly didn't think I had made THAT much progress, which is why I suggest anyone embarking on a journey towards a better body take before pictures before you even start your program. 

The combination of diet and heavy heavy lifting are the main components at work here.  The heavy lifting kept my body in an anabolic state (muscle buidling) I don't believe in doing higher reps to "tone" when you are cutting down. Why would you change a routine that helped you build all of that muscle just because you are trying to lose fat? You wouldn't, keeping my muscles in that state helped me keep and even build muscle during this cut down period. As far as cardio goes towards the end I did 1 day a week of caridio if that. I would walk the dog here and there or the occasional hike.You really can diet your way down to this if you have the willpower.

Thanks to everyone who is following this Blog, I've spoken with a few of you one on one and you are all a great motivation to stay positive and keep digging and pushing forward.

This has been a very rewarding and amazing journey, but I'm not done yet. I'm still working towards my goal of hitting 10% bodyfat... as of this picture I'm at about 14%.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Wow, I had no idea keeping up with a blog would be so hard. Hard, or the more likely cause is me just being lazy and giving up on a project. Sorry guys for taking so long to get back into the swing of things. A lot has happened since March 1st.  Let's start with changes to my diet and the progress I've made.

When I got down to about 187 which was about mid-May I was reading a few articles on bodybuilding.com and one caught my eye, it was called the ab-etching diet. I did some more research and found this diet is actually a variation of a Keto (short for ketosis) diet that a few friends of mine have had great success with in the past. The basic premise is keeping your carbohydrates down to below 40 grams a day and increasing healthy fats to about 100 grams a day and keeping protein around 1-2 grams of protein per lb of bodyfat all while keeping caloric intake at normal levels, which for me is around 2400 a day while I'm dieting down.  The result being that your body switches from burning carbohydrates and glycogen for fuel to burning fat for fuel, which causes your body to burn from fat stores when it's out of food vs muscle stores. The only time I take in carbs is directly before a workout to provide the necessary energy for the level of intensity DC training requires. 20-50g of simple carbs. It's great for bodybuilders and I will tell you that I've gone from 187 to 173 in that time period all why maintaining and even building more muscle, which is very hard to do. This diet is working great for me so far and I've never cut down and seen this type of progress, and I'm not even doing any cardio anymore. In fact I'm afraid to because the weight is coming off pretty fast as it is. I'm ready to post after pics soon, maybe as soon as my next post. The other great thing about the diet is that it keeps your insilun levels very low so I never really have cravings or hunger pangs. I also have a more sustained energy throughout the day.

An example of a given day on this diet looks like this;

Breakfast: 3 eggs, egg whites, turkey bacon, onions bell peppers.
Mid-morning: 2 scoops whey protein with 2 ts of natural peanut butter.
Lunch: Lean protein source such as buffalo chicken breast, lean (96/4) burgers, chicken sausage...etc.
Pre-workout: Chocolate milk mixed with 2 scoops of whey.
Post-workout: 2 scoops of whey protein in water.
Dinner: 2 chicken breast fried in olive oil, smothered in guacamole.
Before Bed:  1 1/2 cups of cottage cheese and a handful of almonds.

The big concern with a diet like this is colesterol levels, I try to take in fat from good healthy sources and limit trans fats, and colesterol. I will be making an appointment soon with my doc to get my levels checked along with some bloodwork.

Progress: I'm at 173 right now, I can see all of my abs if I flex and can slightly see them at rest. I did a bodyfat test a week ago and I'm at 14% which seems a little high but I'll take it. My new goal is to hit 10-12% before the end of the summer. This would involve me losing another 6 lbs of fat roughly. I will keep this blog updated every 1-2 weeks with my progress and more fitness information.

Lifting stats: Bench Press: 355x6. Squat: 325x6. Deadlift: 375x6.

The Ab-Etching diet: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/hd-abs-the-ab-etching-diet.html
Keto diet information : http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/keto.htm