The combination of diet and heavy heavy lifting are the main components at work here. The heavy lifting kept my body in an anabolic state (muscle buidling) I don't believe in doing higher reps to "tone" when you are cutting down. Why would you change a routine that helped you build all of that muscle just because you are trying to lose fat? You wouldn't, keeping my muscles in that state helped me keep and even build muscle during this cut down period. As far as cardio goes towards the end I did 1 day a week of caridio if that. I would walk the dog here and there or the occasional hike.You really can diet your way down to this if you have the willpower.
Thanks to everyone who is following this Blog, I've spoken with a few of you one on one and you are all a great motivation to stay positive and keep digging and pushing forward.
This has been a very rewarding and amazing journey, but I'm not done yet. I'm still working towards my goal of hitting 10% bodyfat... as of this picture I'm at about 14%.
Jason, you look great! Awesome job!